Some websites and services worth knowing about…


Funding Support

  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS is Australia’s first national Scheme for people with disability. It provides funding directly to individuals. Your child may be eligible for NDIS funding. See:

  • Medicare Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Plan. Children with chronic conditions and complex needs may be eligible for a number of Medicare funded sessions under the Enhanced Primary Care Plan. Your GP can write you a plan for this Medicare item. For more information, click here

  • “Helping Children with Autism” Medicare Package. Autistic children or children with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) may be entitled to a maximum of 4 sessions of funding for an allied health assessment and 20 sessions for allied health therapy. See your paediatrician for a referral. This is sometimes known as item 135. For more information, click here.

  • Carers Allowance. Carers Allowance is a payment through Centerlink for the parents of a child under the age of 16 with severe communication difficulties. For more information, click here.

  • Private Heath Funds. Check with your Private Health Fund to determine whether your cover entitles you to a rebate.

  • Better Access to Mental Health Care Plan. Your GP can write you (parent/carers) a plan for this Medicare item and will refer you to a therapist.

  • Early intervention classes. A limited number of early intervention centres are located in NSW public schools and operate during school terms and are fully funded. Children usually attend for 2.5 hour sessions, two to three days a week. Class sizes range from five to eight children and children are aged between three and six years. Read eligibility criteria here.


Support and Services

  • Parentline. A free early childhood intervention infoline for parents and carers who have children with disability. Free information, referral to services and general support and counselling is available by calling 1300 1300 52. Calls can be made from anywhere in NSW.

  • Play Connect Playgroups. FREE Playgroups for Autistic children (0- 6 years) and their parents/carers. Click here to find a playgroup near you.

  • Early Days Workshops. FREE workshops for parents/carers to learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Click here to find and register for a workshop near you.

  • Positive Partnerships. FREE workshops around Australia providing information and strategies to support your child’s learning. They also provide programs and workshops to help teachers, school leaders and other education professionals create an Autism-friendly school culture. Find out more about the options here.

  • Learning Difficulties Parent Helpline: LDC is a parent and teacher support network which provides workshops and information about children (5-18 yrs) with learning difficulties and related conditions. Call 9806 9960 or visit

  • Speech Pathology Australia. Speech Pathology Australia (the Association) is the national peak body for the speech pathology profession in Australia. Resources for the public regarding the profession can be found here.

  • Post Diagnostic Support (Autism specific). An “Autism Advisor” is available to talk to you individually about your child’s diagnosis through Post Diagnostic Appointments. Click here or call 1300 978 611 for more information.

  • Parent Connect. Parent Connect offers support for parents and families to build family networks, community inclusion and transition support. Click here for more information.

  • “Autism Dads” Facebook. A Facebook group of dads offering support to each other, celebrating wins, consoling in losses and generally talking about the unique experiences as Dads in a slightly different world. Join the facegroup page here.

  • AllPlay is a world-first initiative to create new pathways for inclusion for children with disabilities so they can play, learn, dance and connect into the community. Free online training courses and resources (social stories, visual supports and more) are also offered. Click here for more.

  • Communication Milestones. Milestones can help parents determine if their child is on track or if he or she may need extra help. A checklist of milestones for the typical development of speech and language skills in children (birth to 5 years of age) can be found here.

  • Raising Children Network. A non-biased, evidence-based, easy-to-read website with information about raising children. There is a specific section dedicated for parents of Autistic children focusing on services, supports and types of therapies. Visit:

  • Speech Pathology Australia Fact Sheets (general). Speech Pathology Australia has compiled some great fact sheets on various disabilities, diagnosis and therapy approaches. Click here to access the fact sheets.

  • Positive Partnerships Fact Sheets (Autism Specific). Positive Partnerships offers practical tools and information based on the latest evidence across a range of topics. This is information you can trust. Click here to access the fact sheets.

  • La Trobe Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre. Access podcasts where you can listen to researchers and families talk about the latest Autism research and related issues. Click here to access the podcasts.

  • The Hanen Centre. Access a growing archive of research-based articles written by Hanen’s Program Directors and other expert speech-language pathologists. Click here for research summaries as well as communication tips for parents to promote their child’s social, language, and literacy skills in everyday situations based on the most current research in early childhood language development.

Neurodiversity Affirming Resources

Organisations we love:

  • AUsome Training: An autistic led training company dedicated to educating people and increasing understanding about what it's like to be Autistic.

  • Reframing Autism: An Autistic-led charity, reframing the understanding of Autism through education, resources and research, underpinned by lived experience as Autistics.

  • iCan Network: I CAN Network is Australia’s largest provider of Autistic-led group mentoring programs, training and consultancy. Our school and online mentoring programs empower 8-22-year-old young people with an ‘I CAN’ attitude. 

  • Konfident Kidz Network: Online group program offering parents or guardians weekly resources to help support children in Neurodiversity-affirming ways.

  • Yellow Ladybugs: Organisation that helps female-identifying autistics have their voices heard)

  • Autism Level Up! for Energy Regulation resources

Books we love for parents *These can be borrowed from the Social Speech Resource Library :)

Books we love for children *These can be borrowed from the Social Speech Resource Library :)

Books we love for teens *These can be borrowed from the Social Speech Resource Library :)

And soooo many more! Chat with Sophie about specific recommendations for you and your child/family.